UK University Student uses Loan Money to buy Trending Stocks & Cryptocurrency

Merlin Headington
1 min readJan 31, 2021

I am that student. With £3,000 let see what I can make in this pump session.

Studying for a degree in economics at the Brunel University of London. Amongst Lockdown and the mass confusion of business in our time, I am taking a move by letting the Reddit forums inform my stock picks this week.

My mum does not know about this yet.

She knows I am a little bit. Not that I am using my loans from starting an economics degree. You’ll get to know what happens.

I am pretty dumb.

I let decide for me to buy into the Trending DOGECOIN. I’ll sell most of my positions on Friday.

Check this as my financial blog

Next vote for XRP

Merlin thomas headington
UK Student loan debt from

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Merlin Headington

Yo, I'm Merlin. This is what I am interested enough in to share with you